
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2022

A New Venue ..A New Challenge...for a New Way of Art

  A New Venue...A New Challenge...for a New Way of Art  Memories, reminiscences, fancies, myths, illusions, and superstitions  "are all worthy of art".   They are venues for the soul to dive into ways to recreate reality or beautify fantasies.  We all like these venues.  Our minds make up stories, legends, and sometimes facts out of those.  At a certain time, our minds prefer working on beliefs for checking their genuineness, authenticity, and accuracy.  I think it is a turning point in oneself.   For years and years, I have used to draw according to certain ideologies and traditions.  Three years ago, I decided to find out my own tradition, discover my ideology, explore new techniques, forming my own artistic identity.      Having One's Tradition is a matter of importance. It has principles of aesthetics.  It is built on my own philosophy.  It is obtained by great work. It involves a sense t...

Baka in the Bible

The name Baka is specifically mentioned in the Bible in Chapter eighty-four of Psalms. This chapter tells us about a sacred place for which souls yearn, hearts and flesh sing for joy to the living God and God’s praise is sung. This place is called “the Valley of Baca”. Baca is described as a dry place which was made into a place of springs in the vicinity of tents. A day there is better than a thousand elsewhere.   “How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty?    My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the  Lord ; my heart and my flesh cry out   for the living God.   Even the sparrow has found a home,   and the swallow a nest for herself,   where she may have her young—a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God.   Blessed are those who dwell in your house;   they are ever praising you. Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through ...

تكوينات الفنان التشكيلي نهار مرزوق Nahar Marzooq's Compositions

  Nahar Marzooq's traditional Compositions, related to the most prestigious Islamic icons, are real reflections of  representational  techniques  following  Paul Cézanne's i mpressionist  forms of expression through  planes of color and  repetitive, exploratory  small brushstrokes. His Instagram: Click to see his works نهار مرزوق فنان أمتعنا كثيرًا، وقدّم لنا المدرسة التأثيرية بروحه المرحة الشغوفة  المتعاونة المبدعة فامتزجت تلك الروح مع ألوانه وتكويناته فأخرج لنا فنًا مميزًا واتجاهًا  مبدعًا وطرحًا فريدًا، نهار من أوائل من قدّم لنا لوحات كبيرة وجداريات متسعة على  أسطح متنوعة برزت فيها الرموز الإسلامية بألق وجمال مذهل عبر مواقع تواصله،  أعطى وما زال يعطي بسخاءٍ للفن وأهله. نهار ليس تشكيليًا فحسب بل هو خطاط  ومهني من الطراز الأول يصنع ألوانًا وشبولونات وتكوينات خاصة به ليجعل فنه محفورًا  في ذاكرة المتلقي وخالدًا في سجل فناني رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية ٢٠٣٠.     مقال عن الفنان نهار مرزوق  

The Sea Is History by Derek Walcott

  The Sea Is History Derek Walcott  - 1930-2017 Where are your monuments, your battles, martyrs? Where is your tribal memory? Sirs, in that grey vault. The sea. The sea has locked them up. The sea is History. First, there was the heaving oil, heavy as chaos; then, like a light at the end of a tunnel, the lantern of a caravel, and that was Genesis . Then there were the packed cries, the shit, the moaning: Exodus . Bone soldered by coral to bone, mosaics mantled by the benediction of the shark's shadow, that was the Ark of the Covenant . Then came from the plucked wires of sunlight on the sea floor the plangent harps of the Babylonian bondage, as the white cowries clustered like manacles on the drowned women, and those were the ivory bracelets of the Song of Solomon , but the ocean kept turning blank pages looking for History. Then came the men with eyes heavy as anchors who sank without tombs, brigands who barbecued cattle, leaving their charred ribs like palm leaves on the sho...