Dorothea Lange exhibit ...full of happy moments...

Amazing, as usual, 
Washington DC, with its





the land of wonders 

The National Gallery of Arts is one of amazement with its 
exhibitions, displays, and paintings.

I was captivated by the idea of the exhibit, especially the photos of hands at the Dorothea Lange exhibit at the National Gallery. 
I met my lovely Thursday gruop with whom I uaually did sketching session in-person.

One of the photos I will never forget is a photo of Japanese-American children putting their hands on their chests. 
I asked a man looking at the same photo what it meant. He told me that the children were "Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance." 
I asked him if I could take a video while reciting it. It was nice of him to recite it and accept taking the video to be one of my lovely memories.

Another lovely moment was meeting the poetess Ellen Steinbaum and talking in front of Dorothea Lange's iconic gelatin silver prints.
 It was a good chance to communicate and read about her on her elegant website.

Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance by Dr. D

Ellen Steinbaum

My lovely Group 


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