The First Collective Cultural Art Exhibition


A New Venue...A New Challenge...for a New Way of Art

 Memories, reminiscences, fancies, myths, illusions, and superstitions 

"are all worthy of art".   

Fear Forward: Trusting the process Course was a turning point for me. 

It was the most exciting and encouraging event in DC in 2022 that pushed past fear by believing in

my art as unique and full of new themes and surprising discoveries. Visiting galleries and

seeing exhibitions in Fall inspired me to engage in art shows. It is my pleasure to share my

supportive community at WSS my first exhibition with you. Below are some details:

The First Collective Cultural Art Exhibition

For Initiative of Intellect, Art, and Publishing (IAP)

The Theme of the Exhibition:


The collective exhibition is dedicated to the exhibition of multiple artists, sharing

a theme related to intangible & tangible Cultural Heritage. It is the first exhibition

for the Initiative of Intellect, Art, and Publishing (IAP),  for a group of female artists & writers who aim to mix

their literary and artistic talents, nurture them through institutional sponsorship to

enhance their intellectual and artistic rights, and represent them before the relevant agencies.

Highlighting some aspects of tangible and intangible Arab and Saudi heritage through

distinctive literary and artistic content is the main is their artistic movement that belongs

to a specific historical-cultural aspect.

The Artists are: 

Fatima Sharif - Yasmin Sadiq - Hind Al-Quthami - Salwa Al-Ansari

Significance of the Exhibition:

The artworks are presented in three rooms in the museum for both display and sale.

They are thirty artworks coming in four basic collections about Arabian Inscriptions by Fatima Sharif

The stories of Homeland by Yasmin Sadiq 

Hejaz Country Side by Hind Al-Quthami

Everlasting Heritage Salwa Al-Ansari

Opening Hours:

On Thursday  9/3/2023 - and continues until the end of April

Click the video

My painting in the exhibition 

Arabian Inscriptions by Fatima Sharif


  1. عمل رائع جدا بالتوفيق والنجاح

  2. يبقى الإنسان كتلة مشاعر ولا شك أن ظروف الحياه هي من يتحكم بها وحيث أن الحياة تتعقد يوم تلو الأخر بلا شك أن المزاج يتعكر بسببها
    السؤال كيف يمكن لي المحافظة على مزاج رايق 
    أنا أشوف الأشقاء المصريين رايقين ما شاء الله على مدار الساعة حتى لو فقران ولا جوعان أو مهموم


إرسال تعليق

المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

مكتبة العلاج بالفن جمعتها خلال دراستي لدبلوم العلاج بالفن 2023

قراءة فنية لجدارية كيث هارينغ

قانون كونفوشيوس – قانون الغربنة في التدريب

وقفة مع المسرح المدرسي في مدارس تعليم الطائف

2024-2025: حوار بين زهرة هيدرانجيا وزهرة فربينيا

احتفائي بيوم المعلم 2024